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Jay Shetty Wikipedia summary

Explain this like I am 5:-
Jay Shetty is like a teacher who helps people learn how to be happy and make good choices. He grew up in London and went to college there. He also traveled to India to learn about a special group of people called the Hare Krishna movement. He has talked to famous people and won awards for his work. He has a show that lots of people listen to called On Purpose.

Explain this in detail in the form of a story:

Jay Shetty grew up in London and had a passion for learning and self-improvement. He went to college in London and graduated with a degree in business. After college, he decided to take a trip to India to learn more about the Hare Krishna movement and to experience life in an ashram.
He spent a few months in India, learning and growing, and then returned to London to pursue a career. He was hired by Accenture, a global consulting firm, and worked there for several years. During this time, he was featured in a few articles and interviews and won a few awards for his work.
After a few years at Accenture, Jay decided to pursue a career in media and was hired by the Huffington Post. He wrote articles and interviewed famous people, and was eventually invited to host his own podcast. His podcast, On Purpose, was an instant success and was downloaded 64 million times in its first year.
Jay has since become a successful life coach, author, and podcaster. He continues to host On Purpose and has written several books offering advice on how to live a happier and more fulfilling life. He has inspired millions of people around the world and is considered one of the most influential people in the world.
What are the 7 points that I must know about this article?

1. Jay Shetty is a British-Indian life coach, author and podcaster.

2. He grew up in London and went to college there.

3. He spent time in India learning about the Hare Krishna movement and living in an ashram.

4. He then worked for Accenture and Huffington Post.

5. He has interviewed famous people and won awards.

6. He has a podcast called On Purpose that was downloaded 64 million times in its first year.

7. He is an advocate for mental
health and mindfulness.

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