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Fred Hampton Wikipedia summary

Explain this like I am 5:-
Fredrick Allen Hampton Sr. was a very brave and special person. He wanted to make the world a better place for everyone. He wanted to help the people in his community by providing breakfast programs and education and by giving people control of the police. Sadly, the police were worried about him and they shot him, killing him. Even though he is gone, his memory lives on in monuments, streets and public pools named after him, and in films and books. He inspired people to fight for justice and to stand up for what they believe in.

Explain this in detail in the form of a story:

Fredrick Allen Hampton Sr. was an American activist who was a leader in the Black Panther Party and helped to create the Rainbow Coalition, a political organization that included different groups working together to end racism and fight for social change. The FBI was worried that Hampton was a threat to the US government, so they recruited someone to join the party and spy on him. On December 4, 1969, the FBI and Chicago police raided Hampton’s apartment and shot him, killing him.

People later found out the FBI was doing illegal things to try and stop the Black Panther Party. Five thousand people attended his funeral and civil rights activists Roy Wilkins and Ramsey Clark accused the police of killing him without justification. A coroner’s jury ruled his death a justifiable homicide, but a federal grand jury criticized the actions of the police. His family filed a civil suit and eventually received a settlement of $1.85 million.

Fred Hampton’s legacy lives on in the fight for civil rights. There are monuments, streets and public pools named after him, and he was remembered in films and books. He inspired people to fight for justice and to stand up for what they believe in. His memory will continue to inspire future generations to fight for the rights of all people.
What are the 7 points that I must know about this article?

1. Fredrick Allen Hampton Sr. was an American activist and leader in the Black Panther Party.

2. The FBI was worried about Hampton and recruited someone to spy on him.

3. On December 4, 1969, the FBI and Chicago police raided Hampton’s apartment and shot him, killing him.

4. Five thousand people
attended his funeral and a coroner’s jury ruled his death a justifiable homicide.

5. His family filed a civil
suit and eventually received a settlement of $1.85 million.

6. Fred Hampton’s legacy lives on in the fight for civil rights.

7. There are monuments, streets and public pools named after him, and he was remembered in films and books.

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